How To Get Back Into Discord When You Change Phones

Two Factor Authorization and Backup Codes

David Lowe
5 min readMar 9, 2023


Photo: Alexander Shatov

I just switched phones which is normally a pleasurable experience. I have done this in the UK, Australia and Japan. For some bizarre reason, whenever I have done this in the 10 years I have lived in the US, it is like pulling teeth.

Switching service providers was like some weird macabre game I had to learn how to play or I would die. It was as if Verizon and GoogleFi were testing me and in on the scheme together. Verizon would tell me GoogleFi needed to get me a PIN but then conversely, GoogleFi would tell me they needed a PIN from Verizon.

When I finally gave a PIN to GoogleFi and waited, I was oblivious to the next step in the crucifixion: the PIN hadn’t worked but neither phone company thought it was decent to contact me about this and instead both of them continued to charge me.

Welcome to the USA. Where the customer is ALWAYS last.

Eventually, I was told by GoogleFi that I had to login and the PIN myself (why didn’t they tell me that 10 days ago?) and the phone activated in fifteen minutes. Eureka!

The challenges then started to arise on the new phone. Every app was transferred over but had been automatically logged out.



David Lowe

Electronic music production, entrepreneurship + film reviews. 2x startup founder, film lover + music producer. Listen to my music: